Aviation is constantly evolving. This evolution is due to both technological and human factors. Nowadays, aircraft offer features that were unimaginable a few years ago and, in human terms, we also have more highly trained technicians and pilots. All these advances allow a constant improvement that allows longer flights. In today’s post, we are going to discover the world’s longest flights in the world.
Aircraft black box I What is it and how does it work?
The black box, or rather “the black boxes”, since there are two of them, are an indispensable element in aviation. Unfortunately, after an air disaster, we always hear in the media that people are looking for the black box to find out what happened on the flight, and the importance of these devices in clarifying what happened is fundamental.
Type ratings and class ratings. What are they?
Type Ratings and Class Ratings are essential privileges to give effect to the flying licence. Without them, it is not possible to be a pilot, whether private or commercial.
Pilot license: everything you need to know
Before you start studying to become a pilot, you need to know about the different pilot licence that exist. The type of licence will determine the aircraft – depending on their weight – that you can fly and the legal privileges that the licence grants you. The Class Ratings that your licence contains will determine whether you are qualified to fly single or multi-engine aircraft, in visual or instrument conditions, etc…
Aeronautical Phraseology I Codes, Terms and Their Use
The correct use of aeronautical phraseology is a fundamental element in your training as a pilot. A brief, concise and clear communication between aircraft and ground control (route, tower, approach, etc.) and eventually between aircraft is a major factor in air transport safety. In addition to knowing how to fly an aircraft, a good pilot must know the language code used in aviation to avoid confusion when receiving any notification from the ground, or expressing his requests to ground control, as well as being able to listen to the appropriate frequency in each case to interpret any radio communication that could affect his flight.
Aeronautical Medical Certificate | What is it?
The aeronautical medical certificate is a fundamental requirement to achieve your goal of flying an aircraft. In order to start your flight training, you must first obtain a medical certificate. Class 1, if your goal is a professional licence (CPL). Class 2 if your goal is to fly as a hobby private pilot (PPL). This certificate is issued by the AESA (Spanish Aviation Safety Agency).
What to consider when choosing an aviation school?
Choosing an aviation school is a decision that involves many factors. Aspects such as the geographical location, the airspace in which the flight training takes place, the weather conditions of the area or the connection with the main geographical points of the country must be taken into account.
Sustainable Airports
The aviation industry has been working for years on a way to reduce its impact on the environment. The focus is often on aircraft and their fuel, but to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint, airport environments must also be made more sustainable.
Instrumental flight
There are two ways of flying an aircraft: visual flight – direct and intuitive – and instrumental flight, which is much more technical.
In visual flight conditions, the terrain, cities, roads, etc… give us clear indications of our position. This is the mode practised in Sport Aviation, and in fact with good visibility and at low altitude, a simple road map could be enough to guide us safely. But what happens when the flight takes place in conditions of low or no visibility, over clouds, at night, over the ocean…? In these cases, instrument flight must be used. For this, both the aircraft and the pilot must be qualified.
Flight Simulator Certifications
The flight simulator is an essential device in pilot training. They are a tool that perfectly complements training in real aircraft, as they allow students to train in a wide variety of scenarios and situations – often difficult to reproduce in real flight – which will allow them to gain experience and put into practice the theoretical knowledge learnt in class.