Cookies policy

What are cookies?

Please note that this website, like most on the Internet, uses cookies. These objects are also called DARD’s (Data Storage and Retrieval Devices). You may wonder why these tracking technologies are called cookies. Remember the Grimm Brothers Hansel & Gretel story? The two brothers would crumble up biscuits to remember their way home. This technology does something similar on your computer, it leaves small text files, like crumbs, so that the website can recognise for example the language you usually use.

Cookies are a small amount of information that is stored on the user’s computer. They are used because websites have no memory. A user who goes from one page to another on a website is not recognised as the same user. Cookies allow the website to recognise the user’s browser. Therefore, cookies are generally used to remember the options the user has chosen (e.g. remembering the language used) or to recognise users who frequent the website.

There are different types of cookies, depending on who manages them and the computer or domain from which the cookies are sent and how the data obtained is treated:

Depending on who manages them:

Own cookies: These are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.

Third-party cookies: These are cookies that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.

In the event that cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself, but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered as own cookies.

Depending on the length of time they remain activated in the terminal equipment we can distinguish:

Session Cookies: These are a type of cookie designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a website. They are usually used to store information that is only relevant to the provision of the service requested by the user on one occasion (e.g. a list of products purchased).

Persistent cookies: These are a type of cookie in which the data is still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through cookies is processed, we can distinguish between

Technical Cookies: These allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and use the different options or services that exist therein, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing parts of restricted access, remembering the elements that make up an order, carrying out the purchase process of an order, applying for registration or participation in an event, using security elements during navigation, storing content for the broadcasting of videos or sound or sharing content through social networks.

Preference or personalisation cookies: these allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined according to a series of criteria in the user’s terminal, such as the language, the type of browser used to access the service, the regional configuration from which the user accesses the service, etc.

Analysis or measurement cookies: These allow the person responsible for them to monitor and analyse the behaviour of the users of the websites to which they are linked. The information collected by means of this type of cookie is used to measure the activity of the websites, application or platform and to draw up navigation profiles of the users of these sites, applications and platforms, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made by the users of the service.

Advertising Cookies: These are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that, where appropriate, the publisher has included in a web page, application or platform from which it provides the service requested on the basis of criteria such as the content edited or the frequency with which the advertisements are shown.

Behavioral advertising cookies: These are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that, if applicable, the publisher has included in a web page, application or platform from which it provides the requested service. These cookies store information on the behaviour of users obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on it.

What types of cookies do we use on this website?

The cookies we use are only associated with an anonymous user and his/her computer and do not provide references that allow the user’s name and surname or other personal data to be deduced.

Google Analytics Cookies: We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Ireland Limited, whose registered office is at Google Building Gordon House, Barrow St, Dublin 4, Ireland; hereinafter referred to as “Google”.

Google Analytics uses the cookies or data storage and retrieval devices described in the table attached to this cookie policy. These text files are stored on your computer and make it possible to analyse your use of our websites. The information about your use of our websites generated by the cookie is normally transferred to the Google server in the USA, where it is stored.

However, the IP anonymisation service has been activated on our website. This means that Google will shorten your IP address in advance and this will be done within the member states of the European Union or other signatories of the European Economic Area treaty. Only in exceptional cases (servers not located in a member state of the European Union or outside of the contracting states of the convention or the European Economic Area) will the complete IP address be transmitted to a server in the USA and shortened there. Google will use this information to analyse the use of the website, to compile reports on website activities and to provide us with other services associated with the use of the website and the Internet. The IP address transmitted by your browser within the framework of Google Analytics operations will not be combined with other Google data. By using our website, you agree that Google may process the data it collects from you in the manner described above and for the purpose described above.

If you do not want us to collect and analyse information about your visit, you can use the consent management platform or CMP enabled on the website or unsubscribe later at any time. You can stop Google’s cookies from being saved through your browser software settings or download the browser plug-in to deactivate Google Analytics, which is available at the following link, preventing Google from collecting and processing the data (including your IP address) generated by the cookie and related to your use of our website: Please note that this browser plug-in can only be used on a specific device. If you use another device or browser, you will have to download and run the browser plug-in again.

Specifically, we use the following types of cookies on our website:

Name Type Expiration Purpose
moove_gdpr_popup  Own Technique – Necessary 1 year Internal use cookie necessary for the operation of the banner display for the consent of the web Cookies.
_ga Analysis – Third party: Google AnalyticsMore information here 1 year It is used to control the unique visitors of the website, it stores a unique client identifier.Additionally, this cookie provides a unique identifier that Google Analytics uses to ensure the validity and accessibility of the cookie, as well as an extra security measure.
_gat Analysis – From Third Parties: Google AnalyticsMore information here 10 minutes It is used to differentiate between the different tracking objects created in the session.
_gid Analysis – Third party: Google AnalyticsMore information here 24 hours It is used to distinguish users

Can I browse without cookies?

Of course, you have several options for this:

Through the CMP installed on this website:

By setting your preferences in the configuration panel of the CMP we have installed. You can access from the cookie consent banner.

Through your browser settings:

If you do not want websites to place any cookies on your computer, you can adjust your browser settings so that you are notified before any cookies are placed. You can also adjust the settings so that the browser rejects all cookies, or only third-party cookies. You can also delete any cookies that are already on your computer. Please note that you will have to adapt the settings of each browser and computer you use separately.

By accessing your browser settings (e.g. Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome) you can set which cookies you want to accept or reject. Depending on the browser, the cookie settings will be in one place or another. You will be able to locate it if you use the ‘Help’ function of your browser.

You can access your browser settings at any time by accepting or rejecting all cookies, or selecting which ones you want to install and which ones you don’t, by following one of the procedures below, which depends on the browser you use:

Google Chrome (in the Tools Menu):

Settings > Show advanced options > Privacy (Content settings) > Cookies:

Microsoft Internet Explorer (on the Tools Menu):

Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced:


Opciones > Privacidad > Cookies:

Safari, iPad and iPhone:

Preferences > Privacy:


Settings > Options > Advanced > Cookies:

These browsers are subject to continuous updates or modifications, so we cannot guarantee that the instructions will fully comply with your browser version. You may also use another browser not covered by these links, such as Konqueror, Arora, Flock, etc. To avoid these mismatches, you can access them directly from your browser’s options, generally in the “Options” menu in the “Privacy” section. You can access your browser settings at any time by accepting or rejecting all cookies, or selecting those whose installation is permitted and those whose installation is not, by following one of the following procedures, which depends on the browser you use:

To disable cookies on your mobile phone, please refer to your device manual for more information.

More information and tips on cybersecurity can be found on the Internet:

Considering the way the Internet and websites work, we do not always have information from cookies placed by third parties through our website. This applies especially to cases where our website contains what are called integrated elements: texts, documents, images or short films that are stored elsewhere but are displayed on or via our website.

Therefore, if you come across such cookies on this website and they are not listed above, please let us know. Or contact the third party directly to ask them for information about the cookies they place, the purpose and duration of the cookie, and how they have ensured your privacy