
Methods to overcome Jet Lag

If you have travelled across different time zones, you are probably familiar with the discomfort of jet lag. This imbalance occurs because our internal clock (our sleep habits) has a hard time adapting to the new time zone, especially the light-dark cycle. The most common symptoms include fatigue, digestive problems and confusion.

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Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT)

The technological sophistication achieved by commercial aviation has allowed a large part of the pilots’ workload to fall on computerised systems, which allows for greater reliability, immediacy of response and greater comfort during flight. Implementing new technologies and knowing how to adapt to them is essential, just as it is essential that they have the right resources to deal with any situation when a failure occurs. For this reason, since April 2019, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has made it mandatory for all pilots engaged in commercial aviation to hold a UPRT rating. The UPRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training) course has been taught at EAS Barcelona since 2018, being the first ATO (Aviation School) to receive authorisation from EASA to teach this course in Spain.

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Aviation, the engine of sustainability

One of the challenges currently facing the aviation industry is to reduce its impact on the environment. Immediate solutions include the European Commission, which proposes obliging short-haul airlines to use a minimum amount of environmentally friendly fuel, and the millions of dollars invested by airlines to compensate for the emission of polluting gases. The problem with the current approaches is that they are only a stopgap until the technology arrives that will allow the industry to complete the revolution towards sustainability.

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Fleet of EAS Barcelona

IWe know how important it is to keep up with technological developments in aviation, which is why the fleet of EAS Barcelona currently has 14 aircraft and 3 simulators equipped with the most modern navigation and flight management systems.

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Abandoned planes

Spanish airports have accumulated up to 150 abandoned planes that were left by their owners, according to data provided by AENA referring to last year.

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Airport Curiosities

All airports, especially those known as ‘hub’ (international connection airports), have a very high complexity of operation due to the high number of tasks involved in their correct operation, whether they are air traffic operations, safety, logistical support to the various companies operating within it, both air carriers and handling or catering services, cleaning or maintenance services, up to the management of the important volumes of people transiting through airport facilities every day. Discover some airport curiosities here.

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I want to be a pilot

Who hasn’t ever wondered what it would be like to live life as an airline pilot? Surely this is your dream and professional goal, or maybe you have simply thought about it once. You should know that becoming an airline pilot requires a great deal of training, a lot of knowledge and multiple skills that you must adopt. It is not only studying and obtaining a degree, but also many hours of dedication, a lot of effort and desire, great responsibilities and infinite knowledge about the control of the airplane. Its different components or the safety of the passengers before testing them in the exam is also a fundamental variable that you will have to master.

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Refresher courses for commercial pilots

Few human activities are as important as aviation in terms of keeping risks to a minimum on a permanent basis. In aviation, refresher courses serve to ensure that all pilots are up to date with in-flight safety measures.

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Flight crew

Aircrew, also called flight crew, are all personnel on board an aircraft who operate the aircraft before, during and after the flight.

The composition and number of flight crew members depends on the type of aircraft, the duration of the flight and the purpose of the flight. For example, on transoceanic flights – where the maximum workload limits are greatly exceeded – crews may be doubled or even tripled, alternating on-board duties with rest periods.

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Previous studies to study for pilot

Many of you wonder what are the previous studies to study for being a pilot, the most appropriate previous studies, or which branch of high school is preferable to choose in order to have enough basic knowledge to be able to become a professional pilot with guarantees of success.

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