Fleet of EAS Barcelona

IWe know how important it is to keep up with technological developments in aviation, which is why the fleet of EAS Barcelona currently has 14 aircraft and 3 simulators equipped with the most modern navigation and flight management systems.

The fleet in which EAS Barcelona is made up of aircraft acquired directly from the factory, and with an average age that currently stands at five years. EAS Barcelona opts for glass cabin technology (Glass Cockpit), currently used on all last-generation aircraft, from General Aviation to airlines and freight companies around the world. Unlike the old analog aircraft, in the “Glass Cockpit” cabins the representation of flight data is displayed on large screens that provide more information and better interpretation of flight parameters, offering future pilots the best preparation for future jobs.

The EAS fleet currently has 14 aircraft and 3 simulators:

Tecnam P2002

The initial stages of training in ATPL courses are entrusted to this versatile Italian-made monomotor, of which EAS Barcelona has eight units some of which are below the first 1,000 hours of service. It is a low-wing biplate, with a fixed landing gear, and a fixed propeller step. It is a simple and easy-to-manage aircraft, extremely useful qualities in the initial stages of learning. It is equipped with digital navigation systems (Garmin 450 among others) and is used on both nocturnal and diurnal flights in visual conditions.

Tecnam P2006

This high-wing bimotor aircraft and 4 squares, with retractable landing gear and variable helix passage, is used in more advanced stages of formation. He wants instrumental (ANAR) and multi-motor enabling. – In EAS Barcelona the entire phase of instrumental flight is done by bimotor aircraft, as in the airlines all the aircraft used are multi-engine aircraft. This is, with two or more. The school has four aircraft of this model along with two simulators representing the cabin and performance of the same aircraft model, with the FNPT II rating. The use of non-generic simulators is one of the strengths of EAS Barcelona in multi-motor training, and the perfect complement to real-flight training because, when it comes to the same cabin, performance, etc. allows the student to make better use of each session, while also allowing them to practice in a range of situations much wider than the actual flight.

Cessna 150 Aerobat

EAS Barcelona has two units of this reliable semi-acrobatic aircraft monomotor high-wing biplane. It is used exclusively for the performance of the upRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training) course.

This course was implemented by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) two years ago, to improve pilots’ skills in controlling and recovering possible abnormal positions that the aircraft could adopt during flight, due to failures in severe adverse weather systems or conditions.

EAS was the first Spanish school to receive authorisation from the State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) to provide this training to future pilots.

Airbus A320

Certificate as Coach of Navigation and Flight Procedures (FNPT II MCC). This simulator is certified as “enhanced” (advanced) to provide the multiple cabin coordination course, (MCC) including the APS (Airline Pilot Standards), which provides the best preparation in front of the pilot’s entry into an airline, at the same time as 40 hours of experience in a simulator of one of the most commonly used line aircraft on short and medium-range routes. It is an excellent preparation for obtaining aircraft type enabling.


The EAS Barcelona aviation school emerged from the initiative of a highly skilled and experienced human team in aviation, which decided to establish in one of the most attractive cities in Europe and with better weather, a quality aircraft training centre.

The school is based in Barcelona – where it has facilities of over 800m2 including classrooms, library, RT laboratory, administrative services, study and rest rooms and flight simulators – and at Sabadell Airport, where the flight planning office, a classroom and a second FNPT II simulator are located, and the hangar that houses the fleet.