Aviation podcasts for further growth

Nowadays, we have access to an enormous amount of information. If you want to know about a subject, all you need is an internet connection and the ability to type in a search engine. The problem comes when you see that the results are endless and none of them convince you. In addition to the many results, there are also many different formats: video, news, infographics, blogs, etc.

One of the most consumed formats right now is the podcast. This format is a fun and effective way to keep up to date with trends in the sector and, in addition, as it is in audio format, it allows you to continue doing your homework while you listen to them.

Today we propose a series of podcasts on aviation that will provide you with the information you need to keep up to date with trends in the sector:

Airplane Geek Podcast

This programme has transcended the podcast format to create a community of people interested in the aeronautical sector on all digital platforms. In the podcast they share the concerns, knowledge and opinions that their listeners send them through the many channels they have. In addition to answering the community’s questions, the weekly programme also reviews the latest news in the sector, interviews people of interest and reviews the most important events in the sector.


Aeropodcast is a Spanish podcast created by two business aviation enthusiasts: Marco Taboas and Diego López-Salazar. This programme has been publishing content on business aviation for more than 11 years. Their programmes last approximately one hour and during the course of the programme they review current events in the world of aviation.


You may know Flightradar24 as one of the most popular flight tracking apps, but there is a lot of interesting content on their website, such as their AvTalk podcast. On this show every Friday they review news, expert opinion and interviews ranging from ground staff to airline CEOs.


This programme, created in collaboration with the Hispaviación portal, takes a weekly look at the civil, military, general and sports aviation sector. The programme is accompanied by interviews and a weekly analysis of the sector.

Pilot to Pilot

Pilot to pilot is a programme created by Justin Siems, a pilot with over 4,000 hours of flight time under his belt, who wanted to share with the world what the industry means to him. The podcast is not a project designed to inform, but to inspire, encourage and help anyone who loves aviation to achieve their goals.

Being informed about your sector is important and even more so if you are in training. Being aware of the news, movements and trends in the aviation sector is a way to know where to look for a job, to know if it is a good time for the sector or simply to be the most informed when the time comes for the interview.