
The life of a pilot

If you are one of those who as a child watched the planes in the sky and dreamed of being able to fly someday, we explain below what the life of a pilot is like and what it entails to work as a pilot.

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Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM)

As explained in previous posts, there are different types of aircraft. Some of them, due to the complexity of their operation, require two pilots in the cockpit. Today we explain the importance and differences between Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM).

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Pilot retirement

The retirement of pilots, like many other professions, has some exceptions given the circumstances of the nature of their profession. Therefore, it is not surprising that these exceptions give rise to possible controversy.

However, there are many people who have doubts about the age up to which a pilot can continue to practice his profession. These questions are completely understandable, since there is no legal regulation that dictates a specific age, so there is some debate about the capabilities of pilots after a certain age.

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Learn about the different types of commercial flights

It is very common nowadays to use the airplane as a means of transportation for trips, especially if they are long. When buying airline tickets, it is not usual to look at the type of flight you are going to take, so today we explain the types of commercial flights that exist and their characteristics.

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I already have the title of pilot, and now how can I become a flight commander?

For all those people who don’t know how to become a flight commander, they should know that they have a long way to go, it’s not just about getting a pilot’s license and having conquered sleep. Many ask: I am already a pilot, and now how can I become a flight commander? Once you obtain the Commercial Pilot License (CPL), pilots need to continue training in order to obtain other licenses and eventually become flight commanders. All these trainings that have to be carried out and the necessary procedures, we will explain in this blog.

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Physical and psychotechnical tests of the pilots

In this new blog, we will talk about the physical and psychotechnical tests of pilots. All those tests you have to pass to get your license. We will emphasize each test that must be passed, all the details of the process and what are the cases that may be suitable and those that would be unfit.

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Solar energy in aviation

If a few years ago someone had told us that it was possible to power an airplane solely and exclusively by solar energy, we would not have believed it. Today this is already an incipient reality, at an experimental level of course, but it can mean a before and after in the history of aviation.

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How to manage turbulence

Although generally not visible, in the presence of water vapor or smoke turbulence can appear in the form of eddies. They are often called ‘waves of the sky’.

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