
Airport Curiosities

All airports, especially those known as ‘hub’ (international connection airports), have a very high complexity of operation due to the high number of tasks involved in their correct operation, whether they are air traffic operations, safety, logistical support to the various companies operating within it, both air carriers and handling or catering services, cleaning or maintenance services, up to the management of the important volumes of people transiting through airport facilities every day. Discover some airport curiosities here.

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I want to be a pilot

Who hasn’t ever wondered what it would be like to live life as an airline pilot? Surely this is your dream and professional goal, or maybe you have simply thought about it once. You should know that becoming an airline pilot requires a great deal of training, a lot of knowledge and multiple skills that you must adopt. It is not only studying and obtaining a degree, but also many hours of dedication, a lot of effort and desire, great responsibilities and infinite knowledge about the control of the airplane. Its different components or the safety of the passengers before testing them in the exam is also a fundamental variable that you will have to master.

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Refresher courses for commercial pilots

Few human activities are as important as aviation in terms of keeping risks to a minimum on a permanent basis. In aviation, refresher courses serve to ensure that all pilots are up to date with in-flight safety measures.

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Flight crew

Aircrew, also called flight crew, are all personnel on board an aircraft who operate the aircraft before, during and after the flight.

The composition and number of flight crew members depends on the type of aircraft, the duration of the flight and the purpose of the flight. For example, on transoceanic flights – where the maximum workload limits are greatly exceeded – crews may be doubled or even tripled, alternating on-board duties with rest periods.

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Previous studies to study for pilot

Many of you wonder what are the previous studies to study for being a pilot, the most appropriate previous studies, or which branch of high school is preferable to choose in order to have enough basic knowledge to be able to become a professional pilot with guarantees of success.

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The life of a pilot

If you are one of those who as a child watched the planes in the sky and dreamed of being able to fly someday, we explain below what the life of a pilot is like and what it entails to work as a pilot.

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Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM)

As explained in previous posts, there are different types of aircraft. Some of them, due to the complexity of their operation, require two pilots in the cockpit. Today we explain the importance and differences between Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM).

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Pilot retirement

The retirement of pilots, like many other professions, has some exceptions given the circumstances of the nature of their profession. Therefore, it is not surprising that these exceptions give rise to possible controversy.

However, there are many people who have doubts about the age up to which a pilot can continue to practice his profession. These questions are completely understandable, since there is no legal regulation that dictates a specific age, so there is some debate about the capabilities of pilots after a certain age.

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Learn about the different types of commercial flights

It is very common nowadays to use the airplane as a means of transportation for trips, especially if they are long. When buying airline tickets, it is not usual to look at the type of flight you are going to take, so today we explain the types of commercial flights that exist and their characteristics.

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Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) Seminar

EAS Barcelona informative note

Seminar by Cpt. Jordi Manzano Puigredón

Hour: June 12th, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Spanish official time).

Venue: EAS Barcelona, Calle Rector Triadó 94 entlo, Barcelona Libre asistencia.


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