
Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT)

The technological sophistication achieved by commercial aviation has allowed a large part of the pilots’ workload to fall on computerised systems, which allows for greater reliability, immediacy of response and greater comfort during flight. Implementing new technologies and knowing how to adapt to them is essential, just as it is essential that they have the right resources to deal with any situation when a failure occurs. For this reason, since April 2019, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has made it mandatory for all pilots engaged in commercial aviation to hold a UPRT rating. The UPRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training) course has been taught at EAS Barcelona since 2018, being the first ATO (Aviation School) to receive authorisation from EASA to teach this course in Spain.

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How are contrails left by airplanes generated and affected?

What are airplane contrails?

The white trails that aircraft sometimes leave in their wake are produced as a consequence of the high temperature of the gas jets that come out of the engines (often at temperatures above 500º C) in contrast to the low temperatures – of the order of minus 56ºC – which prevail at the heights at which commercial flights normally take place, which causes condensation and subsequent freezing of the water vapor they contain. These condensation trails – popularly known as “contrails”, a word derived from the English “condensation trails” – can turn into clouds, depending on the prevailing humidity, temperature and wind conditions at all times.

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Fuel; that unknown

Of the substance that allows our plane to rise in the sky, we are often only clear about the economic cost involved. As the saying goes, “It is not the sustenance that keeps the aircraft in flight, but the wallet.

This time we will see that beyond the price of fuel, it is important to know other aspects that will allow us to fly more safely, more ecologically and, why not, more economically.

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The five oldest airlines in the world

After the frenchman Clément Ader was the first to take off a flying machine in 1897, in the following years many inventors tried to be the pioneers in inventing an airplane. Their prototypes were very useful for combat in the First World War, but it was not until the end of the war that the first companies dedicated to the transport of passengers appeared. The first airlines were born between the 1920s and 1930s. Below, we will review the five oldest and still operating today, which has its merit considering the continuous changes to which companies have had to adapt in recent years.

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Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the world’s most modern aircraft

Find out more about other major companies in the world of aviationThe Boeing 787 is a passenger aircraft manufactured and developed by the American company Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The aerospace company is a world leader, and in permanent competition with another giant, the European consortium Airbus, with whom it competes for the title of world’s largest manufacturer of commercial and military aircraft.

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