
Amazon Air – A giant in the air

The e-commerce giant we all know, Amazon, wants to take the leap into the skies and has announced that it intends to have 70 planes by 2021, a fleet that will give it a similar weight to airlines such as the American low cost carrier Frontier. The main reason why Jeff Bezos’ company has launched to create Amazon Air is that it has broken the contract with FedEx, another giant – in this case of the distribution of parcels – with the aim of not depending on third parties, and thus lowering costs by using their own planes.

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How does a plane fly?

Modern aircraft are a true marvel of engineering. They have to overcome strong turbulent and unpredictable air currents and complete their flight by undertaking complex manoeuvres. Have you ever wondered how pilots can achieve this?

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Evolution in aviation

Today we are so used to agility and speed when using air transport that it feels like it has always been that way. However, air locomotion is very recent in historical terms. So much so that its origins date back to just over 250 years ago.

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Aircraft manufacturers

We all know Airbus and Boeing, two of the main aeronautical manufacturers of the planet of which we have spoken in previous articles, with important commercial and military divisions. But there are also other companies that manufacture commercial airplanes that, although many of you know them, are also very important in the world of aviation.

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Fuel; that unknown

Of the substance that allows our plane to rise in the sky, we are often only clear about the economic cost involved. As the saying goes, “It is not the sustenance that keeps the aircraft in flight, but the wallet.

This time we will see that beyond the price of fuel, it is important to know other aspects that will allow us to fly more safely, more ecologically and, why not, more economically.

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The five oldest airlines in the world

After the frenchman Clément Ader was the first to take off a flying machine in 1897, in the following years many inventors tried to be the pioneers in inventing an airplane. Their prototypes were very useful for combat in the First World War, but it was not until the end of the war that the first companies dedicated to the transport of passengers appeared. The first airlines were born between the 1920s and 1930s. Below, we will review the five oldest and still operating today, which has its merit considering the continuous changes to which companies have had to adapt in recent years.

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