aviation school

Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT)

The technological sophistication achieved by commercial aviation has allowed a large part of the pilots’ workload to fall on computerised systems, which allows for greater reliability, immediacy of response and greater comfort during flight. Implementing new technologies and knowing how to adapt to them is essential, just as it is essential that they have the right resources to deal with any situation when a failure occurs. For this reason, since April 2019, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has made it mandatory for all pilots engaged in commercial aviation to hold a UPRT rating. The UPRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training) course has been taught at EAS Barcelona since 2018, being the first ATO (Aviation School) to receive authorisation from EASA to teach this course in Spain.

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New record for the world’s longest non-stop flight

Qatar Airways and Qantas have long struggled to be the airline with the longest flight in the world. However, Singapore Airlines has recently joined the market for very long-distance flights.

The Asian company had recently offered the longest non-stop flight in the world, connecting the cities of Singapore and Newark (New Jersey) on a trip of just over 17 hours, and previously this record was held by Qatar Airways, with its 17.5 hour flight linking Auckland (New Zealand) and Doha (Qatar). Another airline that bets on this type of flights is the Australian company Qantas. Until now, its longest route without stops was the Perth (Australia) -Londres route, which runs in 17 hours. 

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The largest aviation schools in the world

Do you want to be a pilot? If your answer is affirmative, this will interest you. Enrolling in a pilot course with guarantees requires finding the schools that offer the best services and equipped with the best infrastructure and technology. Fully-equipped classrooms with the latest generation in simulators and good fleet of airplanes are essential requirements.

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