Airplane Pilot Salary – How much does an airplane pilot earn?

Actually there is no standard regarding airplane pilot salary, since there are many variables and conditions that end up affecting the salary of a pilot, such as location, operation, the aviation market, function, age, experience, among others.

Is it worth the investment?

The pilot race has a great investment in some cases it reaches € 150,000 and even so there are pilots who do not charge for flying or – in times of crisis – they even paid to fly (Pay to Fly), but fortunately the last one is a matter of past. It must also be borne in mind that money is not the only benefit, it is clear that the passion for flying and dedicating yourself to a professional career as a pilot brings other benefits of personal and emotional satisfaction.

Pilot salaries in Europe

This interesting report by carbon60global reveals that a quarter of permanent workers in the United Kingdom are in the salary range of € 47,000 – € 49,000 with the average salary in the UK at € 51,929, an 8% difference compared to the global average of € 47,783.

This may seem like a lot, but it is also important to look at the contract, expenses, secondary benefits, pensions, the list, etc. In addition, we must not forget the important investment required to be a pilot.

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Airplane Pilot Salary Variables

Listed below the variables and conditions that affects the final salary of each Airplane Pilot:


Of course, the type of contract also influences the pilot’s salary. A contract that has a basic fixed salary and significant net additions when you spend the minimum monthly hours, can get a much higher salary at the end of the month compared to any fixed contract. The last means that you will earn less money during the low season (winter) in most cases.


The main airlines have seniority lists, which means that you start at the bottom with a specific level when you enter and according to that level your salary is calculated. The first two years pilots do not earn as much, but after a while this salary level increases much more than any other company without a seniority list.

Age and experience:

Age and experience also affect salary. This is the same as in any other industry, the more experience the pilot has, the more valuable it will be.


The current economic situation also affects the salaries of the pilots. In times of high demand and low supply, pilots can sometimes negotiate with companies to obtain better contracts with better conditions. It is also a fact that airlines increase salaries and benefits also during periods of high demand.


Location is also another important variable; countries that are known to have higher living costs also have higher salaries. For example, in Switzerland, the cost of living is much higher than in any of the neighboring countries.