
EAS Barcelona Aerosport 2018

This year, EAS Barcelona has also been present at the Aerosport event that took place at the Igualada Aerodrome on 19 and 20 May. Over the weekend there have been …

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We increasingly have students that come to us looking for quality in training and speed in the completion of the courses without delays nor difficulties to fly. The students that …

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In 3 months, from private pilot to the co-pilot of Boeing 737 at Ryanair

Interview with Enrique Moresco Morato, EAS Barcelona, Barcelona student who, 3 months after coming to our school, has been selected by Ryanair as a co-pilot.

EAS Barcelona: You came to our pilot school in April 2017 from another ATO. What was the change due to?

Enrique: 2 years ago, I completed the PPL course but I could not do the modular courses nor the Time Building because my school did not program flights for me. So I decided to switch to EAS Barcelona in order to finish my training.

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Taking ATPL course at EAS Barcelona. Interview with the student.

Please tell us a few words about yourself.

My name is Martí Reverté Rodellas and I am 19 years old. I am from Barcelona and currently studying to become a pilot at flight school EAS Barcelona. I am making my dream come true.

Which course are you doing with EAS Barcelona?

I’m doing the Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) course. It is an 18 month integrated course where I can learn theory and also learn and practice to fly planes. In the theoretical part we learn the fundamentals of aeronautics and aviation and everything that relates to it. During the practical part we physically learn to fly a plane with the best guarantees of safety. We learn to take decisions in complicated situations as well. We are trained and prepared for all possible situations which we could find in our daily work and in the future.

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Test-flight during Visitor day at Sabadell airport

Test-flight at Sabadell airport, Barcelona, Spain

Last Friday the EAS Barcelona Pilot School organised a Visitor day at Sabadell airport where it offered a test-flight to the future pilots, in its airplanes with our certified flight instructors – Vanessa and Alejandro.

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Tips for overcoming the fear of flying: strategies for aviation students

Fear of flying in aviation students

The world of aviation is exciting and challenging, but for some aviation students, facing the fear of flying can be a significant obstacle on their path to becoming professional pilots. Fear of flying is a common experience that affects people of all ages and backgrounds, and aviation students are no exception. From anxiety about being at high altitudes to fear of losing control, the reasons behind this fear can be varied and complex.

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Detailed guide: how to plot the route in flight planning

Planning a flight goes beyond simply connecting two points on the map; it is a meticulous task that requires deep analysis and precise calculations. Airlines do not leave this task to chance; they have specialized teams and resources dedicated to this task. From considering weather conditions to evaluating operational restrictions and no-fly zones, every detail must be meticulously analyzed to ensure flight safety and efficiency. In this sense, flight planning becomes an art that combines science, technology, and experience to chart the most optimal and safe route between two points in the sky. We explain everything in today’s article.

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Do you know about ground effect?

What is ground effect and how is it generated

Ground effect, in aviation, refers to the phenomenon in which an aircraft experiences an increase in lift and a decrease in drag while flying close to the Earth’s surface, generally at an altitude lower than half its wingspan. This is primarily due to the interaction of airflow between the aircraft’s wing and the ground.

When an aircraft flies close to the ground, the air flowing beneath the wing compresses, increasing pressure and creating a “cushion” of air between the wing and the ground. This air cushion reduces aerodynamic drag and increases lift, allowing the aircraft to fly more efficiently with less power or speed.

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