Which are the largest airplanes in the world?

Talking about largest airplanes, it often comes to mind the memory of two of the best known, one more modern the Airbus A 380 and the other – already classic and removed from most airlines – the Boeing B747. But there are other models, some even larger, created for the transport of heavy loads, military or even used to launch space rockets.

Some of the largest aircraft that have furrowed the skies

Despite countless failed tests, and fortunately other successful ones, the truth is that it is remarkable how in more than a century technology has evolved by developing true air giants, always touching the universal limits of physics.

Some aircraft gain in volume, others in length or size. Next, some of the largest aircraft ever built are reviewed:

Hughes H-4 Hércules

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The largest seaplane ever built, emerged from the visionary mind of billionaire aviator and film producer Howard Hughes. Known with the nickname “Spruce Goose”, a single prototype was built that made a test flight in November 1947. Finally, it never entered service and its project was abandoned. In the film starring in 2004 by Leonardo di Caprio “The Aviator” it is possible to contemplate a convincing recreation of that first and only flight of the giant amphibious Hugues.


aviones mas grandes del mundo

A plane capable of launching rockets into space. Built by Scaled Composits, the Stratolaunch has two parallel fuselages joined by a common semi-wing, but only has a pressurized cabin where the crew travels. He made his test flight in April 2019, and is still waiting for a buyer today.

Antonov An-225 Mriya

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The Antonov An-225 Mriya is a transport aircraft designed in the Soviet Ukraine during the 80s, and as its predecessor the Antonov An 124 manufactured by the prestigious firm Antonov. He held the title of being the largest airplanes in the world until the arrival of the Stratolaunch. It is also the heaviest aircraft, weighing 640 tons. It is currently maintained in operational service, although only one unit was manufactured.

Airbus A380-800

aviones mas grandes del mundo

This four-jet aircraft, built by the company Airbus and put into service by the Singapore Airlines airline in October 2007, has a maximum capacity of 853 passengers. It is the first reaction aircraft with two decks throughout its entire fuselage. It is the largest passenger plane in the world, with a length of 73 meters and a height of 24 meters.

In this post we talk about the Airbus A-320 Simulator at EAS Barcelona.

Boeing 747-8

aviones mas grandes del mundo

This wide-body commercial aircraft, the nth version of the popular “Jumbo jet” flew for the first time in 2010. Made in the United States, it is considered the second largest aircraft in the world. Lufthansa airline has 19 aircraft of this model. However, its enormous commercial success, also known as “The Lady of the Air” is beginning to be gradually removed from active duty, displaced by other equally capable aircraft, but much more efficient in energy consumption and more modern in as for navigation systems and comfort on board