Escola de Pilots EASA E-ATO-288
Benvingut a EAS, la teva Escola de Vol per a Pilots Comercials a Barcelona
El teu camí per convertir-te en pilot professional de línies aèries comença ara i aquí.
A EAS Barcelona, entenem la teva fascinació i passió pel vol. Formar part de la tripulació de vol d’un avió comercial és una professió de futur que us permetrà gaudir de la vostra feina. La nostra missió és guiar-te en cada pas cap a convertir-te en un gran pilot professional, combinant teoria avançada amb pràctiques de vol intensives i amb gran disponibilitat de vol. Aquí, la teva aspiració de ser pilot davió es converteix en un pla de carrera tangible i emocionant. Benvingut/da.
Per què escollir EAS Barcelona?
A l’Escola de Vol per a Pilots Comercials a Barcelona superem el compliment de totes les modificacions normatives i hem estat pioners a Europa en la implantació dels nous requeriments obligatoris d’EASA com han estat els cursos de PBN, UPRT o la nova implementació de l’MCC APS.
Col·laborem estretament amb les autoritats espanyoles AESA i europees EASA per estudiar la incorporació de noves reglamentacions als nostres cursos de pilot professional d’aeronaus.

Formació integral - ATPL integrat
Oferim cursos de pilot dissenyats per cobrir totes les necessitats formatives, des de 0 fins a obtenir la llicència ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License), l’estàndard or per convertir-se en pilot d’avió de forma ràpida, efectiva i de qualitat.

Formació per mòduls - ATPL modular
La millor manera de fer els teus cursos de forma flexible fins a obtenir la teva llicència ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License). Perfecte per a aquells alumnes que volen compaginar els estudis amb feina o volen fer-ho al seu ritme, en tots els sentits.

Do you want to become a pilot in only one year?
EAS Barcelona is the only spanish flight school approved by the Maldivian MCAA regulations. If you want to become a pilot in under a year press here and find out more about making your dream come true in Barcelona, Spain.
Descobriu més sobre EAS Barcelona!
Segueix-nos al nostre blog i als nostres canals i xarxes per conèixer totes les novetats del nostre centre d’entrenament.
El nostre canal de youtube perquè gaudeixis la sèrie completa i t’enganxis a les imatges de qualitat que hem creat: Descobreix la nostra sèrie de vídeos única a Espanya sobre com convertir-te en pilot professional d'aeronaus. Més de 20 vídeos perquè coneguis la nostra escola de forma audiovisual.
Segueix el dia a dia de l’escola de vol a través de les xarxes socials. Forma part de la nostra comunitat i gaudeix de les nostres històries audiovisuals així com assabentar-te de les darreres novetats, cursos i creixement continu de la nostra flota
Segueix el nostre blog per conèixer les darreres notícies en aviació.
Coneix la nostra flota d´aeronaus monomotor, bimotor i tots els nostres simuladors certificats per EASA. Una de les flotes més completes del territori.
Coneix on estudiaràs, on realitzaràs la teva preparació de vols i les nostres instal·lacions a l'aeroport de Sabadell així com les instal·lacions a prop de l'estació de Sants a Barcelona.
Oportunitats laborals
El Sector aeronàutic és un sector en constant creixement a causa de la necessitat de mobilitat cada dia més present a les societats actuals. Descobreix el futur que t'espera i contacta'ns si tens dubtes.
Últimes notícies
Descobriu l’emocionant món de l’aviació amb el nostre blog.
Què opinen de nosaltres?
Descobreix les experiències transformadores dels nostres alumnes.
Yu B.A2024-06-05 Outstanding Flight Training Experience! This school is simply amazing. The level of professionalism and commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect. From the moment you begin, you feel like you’re already part of the aviation industry. The instructors are exceptionally knowledgeable and professional, making you feel confident and supported from the start. If your goal is to become a commercial pilot and you want a school that truly embodies that dream, look no further. This is the perfect place to start your aviation career! 👨✈️👩✈️✈️ 🛩 Adrian Gallego Mendez2024-06-04 Una escuela seria para formarse como piloto comercial . Instructores muy profesionales y atentos que ademas muchos cuentan con alta experiencia en aerolínea . Estoy acabando mi curso y solo puedo tener buenas palabras y agradecer a todo el equipo por su gran trabajo. A reputable school for training as a commercial pilot. The instructors are highly professional and attentive, many of them with considerable experience in the airline industry. I am nearing the end of my course and can only speak highly of and express my gratitude to the entire team for their outstanding work. Salvatore Montepaone2024-05-26 I recently completed my ATPL training at EAS Barcelona, and I can confidently say that it was an exceptional experience from start to finish. Expert Instructors EAS Barcelona boasts a team of highly experienced and knowledgeable flight instructors who are passionate about aviation and dedicated to student success. Each instructor I worked with brought a wealth of practical flying experience and teaching expertise, making complex concepts easy to understand. Their emphasis on safety, combined with their patient and encouraging teaching style, made my learning journey both enjoyable and effective. Comprehensive Curriculum The curriculum at EAS Barcelona is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of aviation training, from ground school to flight maneuvers. The ground school classes were thorough and engaging, providing a solid foundation in aviation theory, regulations, and navigation. The flight training sessions were well-structured, allowing me to progress at a comfortable pace while mastering each skill required for the ATPL. State-of-the-Art Facilities and Fleet EAS Barcelona facilities are modern, well-maintained, and equipped with the latest technology. The briefing rooms and simulators (Airbus A320 and Tecnam P2206T) provided an excellent environment for pre-flight planning and practicing emergency procedures. The aircraft fleet (Tecnam P2008 MKII, P2006T and P2006T MKII, P2002JF and C152 AEROBAT) is diverse and well-maintained, featuring a variety of planes that ensured I gained experience with different types of aircraft. Each plane was equipped with advanced avionics (Garmin), enhancing both the training experience and safety. Personalized Training Approach One of the most impressive aspects of EAS Barcelona is their personalized approach to training. The instructors tailored the lessons to suit my learning style and pace, ensuring that I felt confident and competent at each stage of my training, I did my first solo flight at 15 hours. They were always available for one-on-one sessions to address any questions or concerns, providing invaluable support throughout the course. Community and Networking EAS Barcelona fosters a vibrant community of aviation enthusiasts. The school regularly hosts networking opportunities inside of the private library that allowed me to connect with fellow students, instructors, and industry professionals. This sense of community not only enhanced my learning experience but also opened doors for future opportunities in aviation. Outstanding Support and Resources The administrative staff at EAS Barcelona, namely Jorge, Natela and Lilia were incredibly supportive and efficient. From the initial enrollment process to scheduling flights and exams, everything was handled smoothly and professionally. The school also provided a wealth of additional resources, including study materials, online courses, and access to an extensive library of aviation literature. An option for meals and accommodation was also available. Conclusion EAS Barcelona exceeded all my expectations and provided a comprehensive, enjoyable, and professional flight training experience. Whether you are a complete beginner or looking to advance your aviation career, I highly recommend them for its outstanding instruction, top-tier facilities, and supportive community. My journey to becoming a professional pilot was memorable and successful, thanks to the dedication and excellence of EAS Barcelona, their instructors, administrators and all my fellow student friends. Andres Lelli2024-05-24 Altamente recomendada escuela de aviación por su infraestructura y calidad humana que posee, he vivido una experiencia inolvidable durante mi convalidación de licencia de avión comercial de OACI a EASA. Gracias por todo!!! Klavkjir2024-02-20 After having done extensive research online in search for a proper flying school in the Mediterranean area I found EAS and travelled from the Netherlands to Barcelona. Last week I finished my ME/IR, CPL, UPRT and APS-MCC with them. What a wonderful experience! My request was to complete my training as expeditious as possible, which was the case in the end. The FI’s are almost all airline professionals and are very passionate and kind people. Of course your own attitude towards the training is of the utmost importance. Training is given in English, but I’ve heard Spanish, Catalan and even French. Regarding the school; the airfield is in Sabadell (20mins from BCN centre by train) and very close to the train station. Their office building with classrooms and simulators is situated in Barcelona near a major train station. All their employees were very willing to help me with everything I needed and the school has a large fleet of Tecnam aircraft. Aside from the weather I have never been unable to fly due to maintenance or other issues. Aircraft are well maintained and equipped with modern Garmin avionics. Especially nice to fiddle with during long flights. I highly recommend this school. It even feels like a Spanish/Catalan family after all this time. Benko Zsombor2023-12-24 Just finished my MEP/IR/PBN/CPL training and I am absolutely satisfied with my experience at EAS! Incredibly friendly staff, well maintained and large fleet of SEP and MEP aircraft, knowledgeable and motivated instructors and high flexibility. I had an excellent time and training, thanks for that! 😎 Marc Ramon Roig2023-12-22 Recientemente he realizado los cursos UPRT(A) avanzado y APS MCC en simulador A320. He de decir que ambos cursos han superado mis expectativas, tanto en teóricas como en vuelos, buenas instalaciones, instructores muy profesionales y atentos en todo momento. Nicolas Martino2023-09-28 Great flight school. Did my CPL IRME with them within 2 months and a half and everything was very professional: lots of dedicated FI + 10 SE & 3 ME Tecnam = availabitily to fly and flexibility at their top! They always try to fit with your priorities and constraints while delivering a top quality training! Google rating score: 4.6 of 5,
based on 119 reviews

Comença la teva aventura AVUI
A punt per convertir-te en pilot de línia aèria?
A EAS Barcelona, cada vol és un pas més a prop del teu somni. Amb programes de formació líders a la indústria, experts apassionats per l’aviació, i recursos d’última generació, el teu futur com a pilot d’avió s’enlaira des d’aquí.
¡Una profesión de altura!
Una serie sobre convertirse en piloto comercial de aeronaves
¡Una profesión de altura!

👨🏻✈️¡UNA PROFESIÓN DE ALTURA!👩🏻✈️Una serie sobre convertirse en piloto comercial de aeronaves✈️
¡Todo sobre EL CERTIFICADO MÉDICO CLASE 1 de piloto profesional! Con la Dra. Carmen Reguant 👩🏼⚕️